Audit template

The Next Generation of Audit Performance

Audit Templates

Whether you are a small firm or a global audit leader, CaseWare Audit gives you a powerful tool for managing your audit engagements. When combined with CaseWare Working Papers, Audit creates a streamlined, effective and efficient solution for conducting assurance, analysis and reporting engagements.

CaseWare Audit provides significant flexibility; you can use built in content and templates or add and create your own in order to align with your firm standards. Our OneForm document is a single area for documenting all areas of your audit engagement – simplifying the audit process even for your most complex clients.

With CaseWare Audit, you can conduct a more intelligent audit process – making sure every activity you undertake makes sense and fits within your engagement.

Key Features


Risk and Control Tracking

Leverage CaseWare software’s library of risks, controls and management letters to better manage risks and ensure appropriate controls.


Audit Optimizer

Leverage CaseWare’s built-in Audit Optimizer so your team can start an audit with a file that has been tailored specifically for the engagement.


Roll Forward Files

Increase efficiency leveraging our extensive logic process to roll-forward selected information related to your client.


Constellation: Giving the Big Picture

Better manage engagement activities by using Constellation to take audit data points and graphically demonstrate linkages.


Flexible Trial Balance

Populate the trial balance to automatically generate financial statements, leadsheets, and ratios.


Real Time Collaboration

Make your team more efficient using real-time collaboration tools that reduce non-working time.


Audit International

CaseWare licenses certain content for Audit International under agreement with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada). The content provides non-authoritative guidance on applying International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

The Audit International template in the original version is in English, all included documents are in the original form written in English.

We have other products and templates specifically tailored for the markets in the jurisdiction of CaseWare Adria. For futher information please continue below.

Templates specifically tailored for the markets in scope of CaseWare Adria. Choose appropriate country and learn more about available products.

Audit Croatia

Audit Serbia

Audit Bosnia

Audit Montenegro

Countries using Audit International

Audit INT

Audit INT

Audit INT

Be effective wherever you are with CaseWare Cloud