Audit Serbia

Audit Serbia

Audit Serbia - templates for the Serbian Market

Since the CaseWare audit solution relating to the auditing template is a very flexible product, it is possible, with the existing structure and appearance, to perform a large number of adjustments to each user individually, satisfying by its actual and specific Needs. The auditing template (audit template) is based on the original version on the audit International version containing the guidelines of CPA (Certified Professional Accountant of Canada) on the application of International auditing standards issued by IAASB.

Since Adria it Solutions as an authorised distributor adjusts its templates to each individual market, in the case of Audit Serbia, certain changes in certain parts of the template structure are made by bringing the same market requirements Of the Republic of Serbia.

Key Features


Risk and Control Tracking

Leverage CaseWare software’s library of risks, controls and management letters to better manage risks and ensure appropriate controls.


Audit Optimizer

Leverage CaseWare’s built-in Audit Optimizer so your team can start an audit with a file that has been tailored specifically for the engagement.


Roll Forward Files

Increase efficiency leveraging our extensive logic process to roll-forward selected information related to your client;


Constellation: Giving the Big Picture

Better manage engagement activities by using Constellation to take audit data points and graphically demonstrate linkages.


Flexible Trial Balance

Populate the trial balance to automatically generate financial statements, leadsheets, and ratios.


Real Time Collaboration

Make your team more efficient using real-time collaboration tools that reduce non-working time.

Audit Serbia

Adria It Solutions has conducted a localization of audit template Audit International translation into Croatian language, and changes in the structure of the template itself to achieve better coherence for the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

Although all documents are retained and translated in relation to the original template, this also applies to the work programs that are included with each section, however this does not mean that a template as such in its essence cannot be changed, since it itself is a very flexible proi A zvod that allows each society to adapt in the way that it is most appropriate and aligned with the methodology and standards of society, the network or organization it belongs to.

Adjusted Mapping and Grouping Structure

The mapping structure of audit Serbia is fully uniform with the official framework of the Republic of Serbia from 2014. Year. The change of structure has been made with the intention to allow users Audit Serbia options for automatic mapping of the accounts that have been introduced during import, automatic compilation of financial statements, filling in the leading working papers and various other Benefits.
The structure of the groupings has also been changed and was formed on the basis of official financial statements of the Republic of Serbia for the purpose of automatic formation and completion of the document financial statements – balance sheet and success.

Automated Statements and Working Papers

The structures of mapping and groupings that were inserted for the alignment with the legislative framework of the Republic of Serbia are ultimately used to form automatic forms, in this case the balance sheet reports and the balance sheet success. Also the structure of mapping and groupings is used for the formation of automated leading working papers and the filling of other documents contained within the document manager.

Risk & Control tracking

The review template contains the ability to follow, enter and connect risks, controls and issues for reporting, and a quick overview and printing ready to be delivered to the customer.

Take advantage of CaseWare Riskspace which serves as a large base of already existing examples of risks, controls and issues for reporting ready for withdrawal and import in your engagement.


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